Pre lottery sale for Taipei Toy Festival !
※10月10日,11日,12日,13日に台湾で開催されるTAIPEI TOY FESTIVALの会場にご本人が来場して受取ができる方限定の抽選販売となります。通販ではありませんのでお間違いのないようお願い致します。当選者の方には商品代金をPAYPALで先に送金していただきます。
※*The lottery sale will be limited to those who can come to the TAIPEI TOY FESTIVALvenue to be held in Taiwan from October 10th-13th and pick it up in person. Please note that this is not a mail order item. Winners will be required to remit the product price via PAYPAL first.
※*抽獎活動僅限10月10日,11日,12日,13日起親臨台灣舉辦的 TAIPEI TOY FESTIVAL會場領取。 請注意,這不是郵購商品。獲獎者需要先通過 PAYPAL 匯出產品價格。
※*抽奖活动仅限10月10日,11日,12日,13日起亲临台湾举办的会场领取。 请注意,这不是邮购商品。获奖者需要先通过 PAYPAL 汇出产品价格。
*Lottery sales will be limited to those who can visit the venue of TAIPEI TOY FESTIVAL held in Taipei on October 10th-13th and purchase it. It’s not a mail order, so please don’t make a mistake.
Only the person who received the winning email can purchase at the venue. Purchases by proxy are not possible under any circumstances, so please check in advance before applying. (Please be sure to present your Instagram account and ID at the time of sale)
只有收到獲獎電子郵件的人才能在會場購買。 任何情況下均不可代購,因此請在申請前提前確認。 (購買時請務必出示您的Instagram帳戶和ID)
※贖回時間 10月10日,11日,12日,13日 13:00〜17:00 (由於休息時間等原因,您可能無法收到 請注意)
※Pick up time Oct 10th-13th 13:00〜17:00 (There are times when you can’t receive it, such as during breaks)
Please be sure to check the precautions before applying.
After selection we will conduct a draw.
Purchases for the purpose of resale are strictly prohibited.

如果 Instagram 帳戶是私人帳戶,則申請將不被接受。

產品名稱 LUCKY BAG (2pcs set [Knuckle’s Kustom Monsters +Space Friends (FRANKEN or MISE)])
價格 31,000 JPY
受理截止時間:2024年9月18日18:00 逾期不能提交申請。
*收到中獎電子郵件後三天內通過 PALPAL 付款
*獲獎者將於 2024 年 9月 28日之前收到電子郵件通知。
- 我們不接受任何有關彩票銷售的投訴。 感謝您的支持!
Item name : LUCKY BAG (2pcs set [Knuckle’s Kustom Monsters +Space Friends (FRANKEN or MISE)])
※You cannot select the product type.
Price 31,000JPY
Reception deadline: September 18th,18:00 .Applications cannot be submitted after the deadline.
Only selected candidates will be contacted.
*Payment via PALPAL within 3 days after receiving the winning email.
*Winners will be notified by email until September 28th, 2024.
*Details about sales will be announced in the winning email.
- We do not accept any complaints regarding lottery sales. Thank you for your support!
Please be sure to enter TTF participation in the comment column (spare column) of the application form!